Why You Don't Have to Hustle to Be Happy, Successful, or Worthy


We live in hustle culture. Where you’re considered abnormal if you don’t have numerous side gigs and the end justifies the means- but the end constantly feels elusive.

Hustlers promote overworking and push for doing more so we can "work on a beach!" or "spend more time with the kids!" in the future.

But what this does is keep us hyper-focused on a hazy view of the future, distracting us from this moment, right now.

Don't get me wrong, I whole heartedly believe in setting goals and sticking it out, putting in the effort for the things we truly want, but that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice ourselves to get there.

Life is meant to be enjoyed every. Single. Day. Hustling because you want a perfect life in the future implies that the now sucks and robs you of the joy in the present moment.

I've always been a fierce goal getter but here's what has happened:
Age 11: I can't wait until I'm 14 so I can get a real job.
Age 14: I can't wait until I'm 16 so I can drive and be independent.
Age 16: I can't wait until I'm 18 so I can move out of the house.
Age 20 (when I actually moved out of the house): I can't wait until I own my own home.
Age 25: I can't wait to pay off the mortgage so I can take more vacations.

No matter what we achieve there will always be something else to take its place unless we live fully in and enjoy the now.

You may be thinking, "'The now'? That's rather philosophical, Meg."

Since Grandpa passed away, Mom has been on this spiritual journey and I've kind of hitchhiked on the ride. A few years ago she loaned me "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and I could not STAND it! It was soooo slow and redundant.

Then during last year's family Old Orchard Beach trip, I felt relaxed enough to crack it open again.

When you're in the right headspace, the book is truly life changing. It lead to many epiphanies of how detached I am from the now and how that's the root of my stress and frustration, and why I feel like life isn't enjoyable until the next thing happens.

Despite having known this for over a year, I still have 24 years of work hard messaging I'm trying to unravel.

And it doesn't help being bombarded with messages of "hustle more and you'll make seven figures and only have to work three days a week," but until that happens- and you never know when it will- you'll be working seven days a week in a constant state of overwhelm, exhaustion, and frustration towards life. Oftentimes we burn out before "the hustle" pays off.

Why You Should Expect Less of Yourself

What does success mean to you? To me, it means joy and a zest for life. No stress, no pressure.

Funny, isn't it, how hustling has been my #1 cause of stress and pressure?

When envisioning your life, think of how you want to FEEL. It really doesn't matter how many awards you receive, how much you make, or how you can "work anywhere, even on the beach!" Those are all external. If your internal is utter misery, no amount of external awesome can fix that.

So instead of hustling, set goals but set boundaries too. Set boundaries on your time, on the projects/clients you’re willing to take on, or the number of “side hustles” you choose to pursue. Find fulfilling hobbies, slow down, and spend time with your family. Do what brings you joy.

Oh, and btw, who thinks joy is working on the beach? Don’t you want to just be on the beach?!

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Been around the business block and looking to grow? My Self-Employed School online course provides a deep dive on topics including website SEO and design, e-newsletters, social media, public relations, and more. It all culminates in creating an easy and effective marketing strategy for your business.


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Hey there! I'm Meg:


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