How to Brand Your Google Workspace (formerly GSuite) Account


Brand awareness means making people aware of your brand (your business). Duh, right?

Your website is probably the most branded marketing material you have, along with your business cards, brochures, e-newsletters, and social media posts.

But what about your email?

Is your profile photo blank or is your email signature totally blah? In these tutorials, you’ll learn how to wow whenever you send an email by branding your Google Workspace/Gmail accounts. Let’s get to it!

Change your profile photo on Google Workspace


UPDATE - 1/5/2021

I noticed when I send an email to my personal Gmail that my profile photo doesn’t appear. After some research, I came upon the following instructions courtesy of Lewis J on this post.

1. Go to your Admin Console (
2. Click on the three horizontal bars on the top left corner.
3. Click Directory.
4. Click Directory Settings.
5. Click Profile Editing.
6. Check the option Photo.
7. Save.

Allow up to 24 hours for the changes to finish propagating.

Create a custom signature on Google Workspace


Other Helpful Tutorials


Looking to learn more about branding and marketing? Check out online Marketing 101, which includes access to my mini courses, Facebook Facelift, Instagram Insight, and Create With Canva.


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