25: The Silver Jubilee


Today I’m a quarter century old. As I’ve resolved to live until I reach 100, one quarter of my life is over.

And I’m okay with that.

I’m proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish this first quarter and look forward to the excitement and experiences my next three quarters will bring.

I feel like I’m entering 25 more confident in who I am, what I want, and in how I run my business. Triple win!

This month I’m challenging myself to get in front of the camera and share more of my story. So this morning Shelby and I headed to the studio to capture a few birthday shots along with more branding photos for my marketing.

I have an affinity for the British royal family and a crown that's been lying around since sharing the studio with Patti. (We wore crowns to work because we're fabulous.)

Naturally, I took a few photos wearing the crown. Shelby pointed out that 25 years marks the silver jubilee for a ruling royal.

So may I present the official Meg Brown Silver Jubilee Commemorative Photo! (See above.)


Later, to officially celebrate the start of my second quarter, I decided I wanted a birthday cake. Because I couldn’t decide on a flavor, I ordered two: Coconut Passionfruit and Lemon Silk. So worth it.

Cheers to 25 years! And leftover birthday cake.

Hey there! I'm Meg:


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