Why You Shouldn't Work Just Anywhere
Years ago I set the boundary to only work at work. When I'm not at the studio, I'm not doing work.
It's necessary to have space from your business. You. 👏🏼 Deserve. 👏🏼 A. 👏🏼 Break. 👏🏼
You don't have to be accessible at all hours, nor do you have to work on vacation.
Breaks are essential for recharging, reigniting our sense of creativity, and supercharging our productivity and motivation. Our clients and customers benefit from that.
However, because so much of business is online, even if your business isn't based online, it can be tempting to check email or squeak in a little more productivity. But if we start working from anywhere soon we’ll be working from everywhere.
(Have you ever been recruited by an MLM rep who exudes “You can work from the beach!” Who thought that was a good selling point? When you're at the beach, BE AT THE BEACH. The point is to look at the ocean, not your phone. 🙄)
Your life is more than your business.
Did you start your business to do work that’s meaningful to you and on your own terms? Then it’s time to call in the “on your own terms” part of the deal.
I know it can be difficult to detach from our businesses in the off hours. Our income is solely based on our effort, after all. But it’s 💯 necessary if you value work-life balance.
Setting the boundary of working during designated hours prevents burn-out, resenting your business, and living life in stress mode.
What boundaries can you set in your business? (Here are some of mine!)
Just getting started in business and looking for a roadmap? Check out my Begin Your Business online course. We’ll cover everything from pricing to forming an LLC, assembling your team to getting your first clients, and everything in between.
Been around the business block and looking to grow? My Self-Employed School online course provides a deep dive on topics including website SEO and design, e-newsletters, social media, public relations, and more. It all culminates in creating an easy and effective marketing strategy for your business.
Hey there! I’m Meg:
I also love business and share all kinds of tips and resources to help you grow yours.
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