Miss MegaBug | Your Zillennial Business and Marketing Mentor

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Is time holding you back from starting a business?

You don’t have to do everything at once.

If you’re waiting for things to slow down or for the right time to start your business, you’ll keep on waiting.

I get it, life in the modern world is demanding and full of responsibilities. But it’s essential to prioritize what truly matters.

I’ll be real, starting a business is time consuming. Especially in the beginning, and especially if you’re maintaining a job on top of it.

But keep in mind that you don’t have to do everything at once. As Confucius so wisely advised, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

When you envision your end goal, you can feel paralyzed by all the work it takes to get there.

This is why I’m all for dreaming big, thinking small. Envision your grand dream and then reverse engineer it:

  1. Write down all of the to do’s required to get you there, then arrange them in order of what needs to be done, first to last.

  2. Work on these items in order, one at a time.

  3. Continue envisioning your dream, it will guide you. But focus on seeing yourself accomplishing the very next task.

Could you use some help on your “start a business” to do list?

You may have to say no to other commitments while you build your business, but if you’d regret not starting your business more than you’d regret saying no, then that no is the best decision.

Remember, no one has the time. You make time for what matters.