Miss MegaBug | Your Zillennial Business and Marketing Mentor

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I’m Doing a Social Media Detox

“The 5 Resets: Rewire Your Brain and Body for Less Stress and More Resilience” by Aditi Nerurkar is a must read!

I appreciated her explanation of “The Resilience Myth” that leads us to feel guilt for not being able to handle stress.

She also shares multiple stress abatement and prevention strategies categorized into “5 Resets,” and I plan to incorporate many of them into my life.

To start, this book, along with a few other signs I’ve received, has inspired me to go on a social media detox.

I posted a reel last week on my struggles with social media, but I wasn’t able to share everything.

Since starting my minimalist journey my perspective has shifted and so have my values. I don’t feel compelled to share my life on social media, and if I didn’t have a business, I don’t think I’d be on here at all.

I’m tired of playing by social media’s rules and feeling like I’m never doing enough.

I’m a firm believer that small businesses do not have to post daily to be successful businesses, but my business is online-based, which means the marketing strategy “should” be social media heavy.

But I just can’t bring myself to post every single day or use my personal life to get engagement.

I still have so much to say, share, and teach, but I’m exhausted.

I feel like I’m giving so much and receiving little in return (views, likes, comments, but especially revenue).

And while these metrics don’t matter when your business targets a local market, they do matter for online-based businesses like mine.

And I refuse to jump through the algorithm’s hoops to improve these metrics. I’d rather not play the game at all.

Social media is distracting, it leads to unworthiness, and it alters our brain chemistry.

And because I’m already pushing myself through low energy, I don’t need that working against me too.

I’m sharing this because I want you to know that even if you work so hard to grow a business and become self-employed, it can still make you miserable.

But I want to inspire you that if you ever get to this point, it’s ok to take a step back before giving up completely.

I’ll still be working over this next month, but I’m pausing my social media posts and will refrain from using these platforms to give myself the space to focus on restoring my energy and reflect on what I want my future to look like.

And whether that includes social media or even my business.

And coincidentally I’ve been seeing other content creators do the same, which leads me to think that if we didn’t feel so much pressure to show up all the damn time, would it lead us to this point?

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*I will continue supporting my online course students via The Miss MegaBug Answer Archive Facebook group during my social media detox.

😉 Psst! If you want to stop stressing about social and get a marketing plan that works while requiring less time and virtually no money, click here.

Hey there! I’m Meg:


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