Hours Worked Do Not Equal Money Earned
This was a difficult lesson for me to learn.
Most of us are used to being hourly employees where our money earned is based solely on our hours worked.
But it's different when you're self-employed. There are many non billable hours from administrative to marketing, cleaning to continuous improvement. And it’s easy to accumulate these hours!
There have been slower spells in business where I haven't had many (or any) clients and I'd still be working 7 days a week.
Over the years, however, I've come to understand the importance of balance, rest, and leaving space for inspiration to strike. Because if we're go, go, go, have to get things done, we won't be able to hear the whispers of our next great idea.
It takes time to build a solid, successful business, but it doesn’t have to be life consuming. One of the top reasons people start a business is to have a flexible schedule, but there’s only so much flexibility you can have when working so many hours in a day.
Finding the balance is the challenge, and it won’t be the same every week. It’s okay for some weeks to be work heavy, but it’s also okay for other weeks to be fun heavy.
Always remember why you started your business, and that hours worked do not equal money earned.
Hey there! I’m Meg:
I also love business and share all kinds of tips and resources to help you grow yours.
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