Miss MegaBug | Your Zillennial Business and Marketing Mentor

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2013 Reflections

With the beginning of a new year, it’s always fun to reflect on what has happened over the previous, and any accomplishments or resolutions kept. In 2013, I am thrilled to have…

*Turned 18! In observance, Hannah (who turned 19 a few days prior to) and I visited Burlington, VT and had an exciting weekend. Since then, I have also been loving my new found freedom.

*Graduated from White Mountains Community College with an A.A. in Liberal Arts.

*Discovered Omnitrition and have lost 24 pounds!

*Registered MegaBug Photography with the State as an LLC, purchased a stunning professional camera and had a fabulous logo designed by Larcom Studios.

*Started building my credit with a savings secured loan to fund the purchase of said professional camera. (Because working with mortgages has had me rather conscious of scores…)

*Been promoted from Teller to Residential Loan Assistant at Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank.

*Sent in my notice at WGSB to devote myself more to school and self-education. (Read my New Year’s Resolutions post tomorrow!)

*Was contacted by VW to possibly be featured in their new 100,000 mile ad campaign with MEGABUG!

It’s incredible what has happened, and I’m excited for what’s to come. Happy New Year!