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Blueberries and Appreciation

My friend, Paige is the Assistant to the Executive Director at the Frost Place, and this week is their Conference on Poetry and Teaching.

It's tradition for the Frost Place to invite a member of the community to act as a Frost in the Air reader. I was invited to deliver a poem last night and decided to read Frost's "Blueberries."

To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of poetry.

However, I've always had a soft spot for Frost's realism and the way he captures quintessential New England yankees. "Blueberries" is a hilarious conversation about coveting your blueberry bushes and beating your neighbors to the pick.

Reading at the Frost Place is peaceful. The barn directly faces a view of the mountains, which is what brought Robert Frost to Franconia in the first place.

Coincidentally, Frost also lived in Derry where I grew up. He taught at Pinkerton Academy, the high school I would have gone to had we not moved.

Although Frost did not move to the mountains directly from Derry as I did (he sojourned in England for a few years), I can relate to why he finally settled here.

Reading his words in the place we chose to live was truly magical. I'm so appreciative to live north of the notch.